Saturday, May 9, 2015

Facebook No More

Ive been participating in social media since the days of My Space because I saw it as a fantastic useful way to share Who Jesus is around the world, without leaving my couch. Then along comes Facebook and in 2008, I jumped on board. 7 years later, and over 1700 FB friends later, I cringe at the thought of how many wasted hours of my life are gone, that can never be gotten back. Day after day, it would often be the first place I would go in the morning and the last place before bed. For seven years! I prayerfully made FB a good thing...a godly place people could be themselves and let me love on them, encourage them, and pray for them. I never held back Truth nor Love. I wanted to shout His amazing grace to the world by sharing salvation through the shed blood of Jesus.
About 2 to 3 months ago, I was introduced to the world of podcasts. I found some radio preachers I've listened to over the years and other acquaintances and I stream them into my car, all day, day after day, while I drive to my patients homes. That's Gods Word, day in and day out. That's what I love about His Word, you don't stay planted where you are long. My heart started becoming uneasy at the time I would waste on FB. I tracked easily, 4 to 6 hours in a 24 hour period. I have no children at home and my house stays fairly clean so I have a lot of free time.  I kept going back to not wanting to walk away from those I love. I love sharing my thoughts and devos when He gave me the go ahead. I loved knowing I could encourage people with the same Word that was growing and encouraging me.
But time is a one way street. There are no U turns. And there is so much to do out there. There = lost souls, broken hearts, struggling marriages, divorce, orphans, widows, and homeless and so much more. We could condense it and say there = life.
So three days ago, with a deep breath, I deactivated my Facebook and started to understand the life of addiction. Facebook was also my crack and my struggle every few minutes the first day, was proof I needed to walk away. I basically used it as a time to pray. When I would want to reach for my phone, I would talk to God instead. I also kept seeking God on what's next for me and He is faithful. He's laid on my heart to move more and start walking in the mornings. I love sharing Him with others and my mind has not shut that down. Then this morning, it came to me. Blogging. My voice could still be heard. His love and grace can still be conveyed. And I'm redeeming the time wisely.
I have so much more of who I am to share and it's important only because once upon a time, I unwisely believed my salvation placed me higher than others. 21 years later, it has gotten real. I'm such a mess. Day in and day out. Broken. Scarred. Shamed by a past God doesn't even see anymore.  So is everyone else. Every single person. Yet many don't realize broken can be beautiful. Through my cracked pot, He shines. His promises ring true.
I hope you will continue to share in my life through my blog. It's about to get real. It's about to be painful. But it's about to be beautiful because I have the Glue and grace that keeps putting me back together. Your life is beautiful too. You just need a new set of eyes to see it.


  1. Yikes! I tried to send a comment and lost it somewhere. So I'll try again! Kudos on your new project. Good stuff. Yes, FB is and can be addictive, but, it helps me keep up this very old friends and family. I just have to use it sparingly! QUESTION: How can I keep up with you since you're unplugging from FB? Hope you get this! God bless. Take care. R Ray. P.S. I pushed some buttons and think I just solved my own problem!!! (but don't know for sure!!!)

  2. You go girl!!! Very well said. I have the same problem, and you inspire me. God is so good to nudge us until we leave our comfort zone and follow HIM!
